Sunday, December 30, 2007

Post Christmas Update

On Monday Grandma Liz, Barry and Jane took Amy to have her photo taken with Santa at La Cantera Mall. Santa was a really genuine Santa with his own beard and Amy was very good sitting with him for the photo.

Well, Amy's first Christmas has come and gone. Santa visited and left her lots of presents. Much to Grandma Liz's disappointment Amy slept in until 6:45am (G'Ma had been waiting since 4:30am). Once she was up though we got straight into opening presents. Opening all of her toys and presents wore her out as she was asleep for Christmas lunch. The adults had Honey Baked Ham and Turkey, green bean parcels (with bacon), potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli/cheese casserole, stuffed peppers and fresh dinner rolls. This was all topped off with an ice-cream cake (Caramel Nut Nirvana).

Jane had to work on Wednesday (Boxing Day) because it is not a holiday here the US. Thursday Jane got off work early and we all went to Fredericksburg and had dinner at The Brewery. It was good - the beer too. Then on Saturday, Grandma Liz, Barry, Amy and Jane went to San Marcos to the Prime Outlet Mall and shopped. Amy got her first pair shoes - sneakers that light up as she walks. We also bought her clothes of course and Jane bought some homeware things at Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn.

Sunday is Grandma Liz and Barry's last full day here in San Antonio and instead of going to the usual HEB we all went to HEB Plus! It was awesome, so much variety and Jane can buy Indian food items there (as well as some groceries from the UK). Amy of course got something.................a new pink Jeep umbrella stroller. We're all going for dinner tonight to the Macaroni Grill and then tomorrow it's off to the airport :-( Not sure that everything will fit in their bags (especially Amy). Will post again next Sunday - love to hear from you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This was cool to find out that you do a blog also! I have not seen pics of your wife or baby yet! Soo wonderful! Congrats! This is a great way to keep in touch! So, I will leave my link to my blog here....I'll be back to visit!

Port Aransas 05/09