Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

Another busy week for the Clay Family. During the week Mum and I took the girls to the San Antonio Zoo. It was a fun day for all (Caitlyn slept the whole time basically). Amy was a little unsure of most of the animals and mainly observed them from a distance. I have paid for a family membership there so we can go as many times as we want until the end of October next year. I think it will be a fun thing to do throughout the year and they have different activities on over the year too. After we had looked around the zoo Amy and I went for a ride on the train around Brackenridge Park. It was well worth the wait and Amy enjoyed it too.

But the highlight of the week would be Halloween of course. Amy dressed up in her Little Red Riding Hood costume in the afternoon and then hit Welsh Valley to go trick or treating for the first time. She was so adorable and even though she couldn't say "Trick or Treat" she smiled, waved and blew kisses to everyone. She certainly was able to fill her little basket with candy. We then came home so we could hand out candy to the other trick or treaters. Amy helped me hand out candy to the first three or so but then was sick and tired of getting up and down to open the door so just sat on the stairs and watched from there (still waving to people though :-) Caitlyn also enjoyed the festivities by sleeping on Grandma's lap. You can see her stash of candy too!! Amy also got to have her first taste of chocolate and loved it!! Our neighbors also stopped by earlier in the evening with a basket FULL of candy for Amy. We were shocked, we thought they were going to let Amy just take a piece or two but the whole basket was for her. Needless to say I am sure her father will help her finish off some of it.

This is Mum's last night with us and she heads home tomorrow. I'm not sure who'll be more upset - her or Amy. I think they have both enjoyed the visit. It will be a shock for poor Amy to not have her Grandma here to wait on her hand and foot.

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